because you need to remember why you started
Once upon a time, before he reached his current level of maturity and contentment in his wisdom, my husband was 'famous' for saying he had read certain books when he truly had not. In order to seem just as well-read as others in our small group he would always respond with oh yeah that's a good one when someone would talk about a very deep spiritual book they had read. The day he finally confessed this, in the same small group environment, was hard for him I'm sure, but ended up being hilarious because it was not the big deal he had built up in his head. No one automatically doubted his opinions because he had not completed the nonexistent list of required reads written by spiritual giant in order to become a spiritual giant. To this day, the subject still comes up occasionally in a lighthearted way.
I am the opposite, I never claim to read something I have not, but I will completely avoid reading certain books or authors out of fear that I won't be able to grasp their points. If I don't read them, then I won't have to face that fact that I'm not as smart as another who not only read it but can recount and build upon the philosophical meanings. No, neither one of us was going about it the right way.
Because of this fear there are many things I have had on my to read list that have stayed there, one of which was A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson. His passing this week and the many beautiful words others have said about him and his life's work inspired me to finally pick up this book that has been sitting on my night stand since last Christmas--my courage had lasted only long enough to put it on my wishlist. It took exactly one paragraph for me to get hooked and exactly one day for me to be inspired in my own writing from reading his.
On page 1 of chapter 1--I told you it didn't take long--he categorizes the difficulties we face into three categories. One category is the world and our inability to recognize the world's temptations in our lives and how, in sometimes subtle ways, it changes the way we live.
I talk a lot about the world and the way it defines words differently than how God defined them, words like joy and hope and that it's not just semantics, because how you say something to another is just as important as understanding the true meaning behind what you are trying to say. And then there was last week, and the concept of looking for the beauty and purpose of where you are instead of letting the world convince you that another place is always better.
Peterson says that "one aspect of world that I have been able to identify as harmful to Christians is the assumption that anything worthwhile can be acquired at once." As we live lives where we can fail over and over or get side tracked again and again which leads to questioning and doubts that we really are on the right path, we can't see the beauty of now without remembering why we started that way in the first place.
We do not start our jobs, we do not open new businesses, we do not initiate new ventures without being spurred on by something. Whether it was a dream we always held in our hearts to accomplish, a calling we felt placed heavily on our hearts, or a gift that was given to us through the spirit that we felt compelled to use, we all started with excitement and dedication to the task. Like that fresh faced early adult, we skipped in the world with our ideals and aspirations ready to conquer, assuming like Peterson said, it could be acquired at once because of the nobility of its cause.
So what happened? Adversity. You inevitably faced adversity. Setbacks, challenges, failures, pitfalls, misfortunes, road blocks. Whatever the word, and whatever the degree, something stood in the way and left you reconsidering not just your current state, but your entire existence in your present field.
As you sit, in the middle of the questions and doubts, there are two choices. The first is to quit and start over with something completely new and maybe, at times, that really is the right choice, but not because you failed but because you were guided elsewhere. The second is to stop and remember why you started.
That idealistic youngster isn't someone to laugh at, it's someone to learn from because they hold the initial information, the reason for beginning. Taking your early self's initiative and pairing it with your experienced self's knowledge creates the person God will used to accomplish the initial task He planned for you.
If you find yourself bogged down in a place that began as a dream, but has begun to feel as the opposite I want to give you two steps to follow.
1. Identify what is weighing you down
Do not ignore the hardships, the little or big things that are standing in the way, whether it is a person, your attitude, finances, etc, give each and every one of them a name. Call them out, write them down, look at them. They, tangible or intangible, are real and until you seem them you cannot stand against them.
2. Identify why you started
Follow the trail back to the beginning. What initiated your desire to start, what did you want to accomplish, what gift of grace lies in your skill set that made you the exact person God desired to finish this work.
Your dream, calling, and/or gift did not run out or disappear, it is just buried in the muck of the world.
There is a reason Adversity is a word used by every player and every coach in every post-game interview ever done, because it is every where in every situation on any given day. Just this morning my CrossFit coach was explaining his current training method as adversity training, putting our bodies through short periods of intense work and then rest so that they can learn to handle harder things in the future.
God is training our hearts and minds to be able to, through Him, accomplish short periods of hard work so that we can handle harder things in the future. The lie of the world that everything worthwhile is easy to accomplish is there so that we will quit doing the worthwhile things when they become hard. But if you remember the words of Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own, "the hard is what makes it great."
Paul knew this and reminded the churches of it often. Keep striving under persecution, because that is spreading the gospel. Do not worry about what I (Paul) have been through, what has happened to me has helped progress the gospel. Our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed later.
Denzel Washington, in an acceptance speech at the NAACP Image Awards, spoke of striving forward and said if you "fall down seven times, get up eight." Just do not try to get up on your own.
The work you are doing is Good work and God will complete it in you. Let the beginning callings spur you through the current muck to get to the glory, His glory, revealing ending.
I am praying that you can remember, pray for me.