i am his
Even though I had been assured that our bomb was not my fault, even though I believed it wholeheartedly, I knew I needed to learn something about myself in this process. I knew God was not bringing me through this just for my husband to be broken and search himself. I didn't just want to walk the road with him, I needed to walk the road. I needed to come out on the other side different as well. I needed to come out on the other side better, more beautiful, because He turns our brokenness into beauty, He makes all things beautiful. (Ecc. 3:11) He does everything for His glory. So what about me needed to show His glory as well?
Sometimes it worked and it would be great, but sometimes it didn't and I would immediately blame myself for not doing whatever it was the "right" way, and made a mental note to not do whatever that was again so that I could make sure everything was "ok." Basically I created these rules inside my head that I needed to live up to, set the standards for my behavior and reactions, and set my own punishments or consequences in my head for when I failed to do so. I lived a life of self righteousness because I lacked the knowledge of my identity in Christ. I didn't know who I was in Him, therefore didn't know how to live life in His righteousness and not my own.