no fail
It's Tuesday! As I share this weekly identity verse that tells me whose I am and reminds me of what I am because of it, I pray that it not only helps me on my journey but encourages you on whatever path God is sending you down.
I am not a stranger to failing. I'm quite the opposite in fact. I have no struggle at all with knowing I am not capable of getting something right. My husband and I laugh because while he tends to be on the side of riding the high horse that occasionally needs to fall down I'm hanging out in a pit somewhere assuming I have no reason to be allowed to crawl out. It continues to amaze me how we were both on level ground long enough to cross paths. It amazes me even more to see how we perfectly complete each other as God uses our weaknesses to make strengths in each other. Big haired Paula Abdul was pretty close to truth as she was encouraging us to dance around our rooms whilst singing Opposites Attract in the 80s.
While from some angles it may appear that thinking less of yourself is just having a contrite and humble spirit, having experience with the less self thinking enables me to tell you it is just as big a struggle as thinking too highly of yourself. Very often that assumed humility is really a constant state of self deprecation and low esteem. Yes we are asked to humble ourselves and look to our sovereign God, we are told to decrease so that He can increase but we are also told we are chosen and loved and prayed for and cherished. Looking down on yourself (preaching to myself here and anyone else who relates) is denying the truth of who we are in Christ which is why these identity verses are so important and why its not just nice to know but a NEED to know to live out our days for Him.
We are all going to fail constantly. It's kind of a given in a world overcome with sinfulness. Perfection isn't possible which means failing is a given. Accidents will happen, projects will not come together, computers will crash, bad test scores will be achieved, dinners will burn, unkind words will be said, fights will occur, families will break apart, children will disobey, rebel and cause worry in the hearts of mamas everywhere, and so on and so on until the failings will seem to pile up and overwhelm. But never has it been said that failing at something makes you a failure.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37
If Paul reminds the church that neither death nor life, angels nor demons, the present nor the future, nor any powers, height nor depth nor anything else in ALL creation can separate from the Love of God than I (and you) are anything but failures. Yes I know in context that he was speaking to people who were being persecuted but we take these truths in the Word and we apply them to our lives and whether you are dealing with screwing up a work report or feel like you are screwing up your life with the decisions you have made. Nothing. Not even the worst thing you can imagine doing will separate you from God's love because you are a conqueror through Jesus. Dang good news.
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37
If Paul reminds the church that neither death nor life, angels nor demons, the present nor the future, nor any powers, height nor depth nor anything else in ALL creation can separate from the Love of God than I (and you) are anything but failures. Yes I know in context that he was speaking to people who were being persecuted but we take these truths in the Word and we apply them to our lives and whether you are dealing with screwing up a work report or feel like you are screwing up your life with the decisions you have made. Nothing. Not even the worst thing you can imagine doing will separate you from God's love because you are a conqueror through Jesus. Dang good news.
So keep going, keep looking up, keep failing and learning from it secure in the fact that You are not a failure you are a success wrapped in love by your creator. All is conquered and you are secure.