revisiting joy
In my notebook full of the most favorite of the favorite quotes I wrote these words shared by Ellie Holcomb, "For every look at yourself take ten looks at Jesus." Her purpose for this phrase was different than mine but the root of the need is the same. Look at Jesus. For every time you feel discontent, for every time you fail to live up to your expectations, for every time you glance at your neighbor and allow them to give you identity. For every time you give into the negatives in the world around you, look at Jesus and then look again and again. Look at him in whom "all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell (Col 1:19)"
There are 5 verses, 12 short sentences, making up the 100th Psalm that have never failed to put a smile upon my face, even in the darkest of circumstances. In this Psalm of joyful noise, gladness, singing, praise and thanksgiving a simple truth strikes me. If God tells us to praise it means we have things to sing praise about. He wants my joy because he has done joyful things.
With this the waterfall of memories begins to flood out the not so wonderful ones that try to take root.
So on this turn of the wheel, instead of the downtrodden glum of searching for the assumed lost treasure of joy, there has been an encouragement--permission you could say--to grab more and more and when I get to the point where I feel greedy for taking too much, more is exactly what I am told to get because "in his presence there is FULLNESS of joy (Ps. 16:11)"
Pray for me, Ill be praying for you.