what it isn't

Day 7 of 
It's easy to mix up words, their meanings, and their pronunciations.  Sometimes it's even pretty cute.  If you are a mama you know there are a few words that your babies say the wrong way that somewhere inside you would kind of like them to never figure out, or at least not anytime soon.
  My oldest baby boy is a way too big 7 1/2 year old.  Every time he gets ready to build a new lego set he has to get out the "constructions" to see what he's supposed to do.  My little heart leaps every time he says it.  I have seriously sat next to him during an entire lego building process, not to help, but to just hear him say "ok what do the constructions say to do next?"
Unfortunately, not all mistakes are cute and some can really cause some problems.  I bet the autocorrect feature on cell phones alone has caused many a dramatic situation as words and information get crossed and feelings get hurt.  Don't even get me started on the inability to read someone's "tone" in a message.  I have sent many a self correct, clarification text or email just to make sure that what was said was taken in the way it was meant to be taken so that drama does not ensue! 
Then there are those words with multiple meanings.  I am not talking about homonyms like my son hit a bat with a bat (which he didn't do but totally would).  The ones I am referring to specifically are the words that, in the world have one meaning, but in the bible and in our Christian lives have another meaning entirely.  For example, the word joy.  In the world, we think of joy as meaning happiness that comes from success or good fortune.  In our Christian lives, we know joy can be found in the deepest sorrow, because joy doesn't depend on the situations you're in, joy comes from being in Christ.  Another one of those words is hope.
  I use the word hope very flippantly sometimes and I have made it a goal to try and catch myself from using it in the worldly way.  Not because I think people who use hope in its varied definitions are terrible people, but because I want to train my heart and mind to focus instead on the true Hope.  It is seriously a challenge that I might never complete!  
For example, when texting a friend "I hope you had a great week!" or thinking in your head "Oh I hope Zach gets home on time tonight", or said out loud in our house around this time of year "I hope Auburn wins!!", I'm saying I think it'd be nice if that happened.  I am throwing up a request in the air and wishing it comes true for my own benefit or sometimes for the benefit of others, but rarely ever for the benefit of my Spirit.
Tomorrow I will share what Biblical hope is, but today rest assured that a fleeting wish is exactly what it isn't!
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