because I don't want things to go back to normal

We live in a quiet place with a quaint little downtown. The Square, as it is lovingly known as, is host to some cute boutiques, a music store that has been around forever and is where our oldest takes drum lessons, a few restaurants, a coffee shop, and sure, there's the one store solely dedicated to memorabilia for the vampire shows that have been filmed here, but even if I tend to roll my eyes a bit when passing it, I'm still thankful for the tourism dollars it brings in to make a lot of the other places possible.

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because everyone is made to do something

I am not a shout it from the rooftops type of person. Moments of excitement, frustration, elation, or anger, I'm just not going to proclaim it from on high. I am a one-on-one, talk it out, text message as long as you need to, chat on the phone in bed, hug and hold your hand kind of person. And it's taken awhile to understand that that is ok, it's better than ok, it's needed.

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because I wrote a book about Hope: free chapter download

Things are not normal. This is not the life any of us are used to. It's going to go back to something, but we still do not have a clue what that something will be or even when it will be. At the end of the virus, the quarantine, and/or the lock down depending on the state or country in which you live, we will emerge with a list of new skills learned or at least attempted, come out on the other side with a new appreciation and thankfulness for who we have and what we have been given instead of worrying so much about what others have and what we have not or, will we cross over onto the other side of this line that will forever be the next milestone question ¨where were you when…? needing to recover from the fear, panic, and/or anxiety that never seemed to dissipate.

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because you need a pocket of people: words of encouragement for a going back to school mama

I am a mom. I have been for 13+ years now and it is the most gratifying, exhausting, sanctifying, frustrating, demanding, fulfilling...and on and on with almost any and all -ing words available that completely contradict one another. If you are a mom, know a mom, have a mom, see a mom, help a mom, or are friends with a mom you can could most likely come up with your own list without much effort.

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