because we're not listening part 2: three reasons we don't listen

Hey, Listen! No, I’m not trying to get your attention. I’m trying to give a command. Listen!

This is the reminder being given to me lately, the words slowing entering my soul telling me of my job as one of God’s children. I am placed in this time and in this place for many a reason, but one in particular that keeps coming back again and again is the request of me to listen. To model that skill, to create a domino effect of others exercising that skill, to show how God brings peace in the midst of chaos through that one tiny, but not so tiny, act. Listening.

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because we're not listening: part one of a series

Hey, Listen! No, I'm not trying to get your attention. I'm trying to give a command. Listen!

This is the reminder being given to me lately, the words slowing entering my soul telling me of my job as one of God's children. I am placed in this time and in this place for many a reason, but one in particular that keeps coming back again and again is the request of me to listen. To model that skill, to create a domino effect of others exercising that skill, to show how God brings peace in the midst of chaos through that one tiny, but not so tiny, act. Listening.

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listeningSarah MayComment
because it's not that you're different, it's that you've been set apart for a unique purpose

There is beauty and hard in every stage of parenting. When you have littles, the beautiful that comes with the new life that grows and develops so quickly is balanced with exhaustion and sometimes loneliness as you work to fill their basic needs, love them well, and on some days just keep them alive. As they grow and become taller versions of who they once were the beautiful comes in seeing their talents, minds, and hearts grow and mature, the hard comes in helping them understand all the emotions they have as they understand the world better and begin to try and see their place in it, while you pray you don't screw them up too much.

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because we think we know best

"You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write." At least, so says Saul Bellows, but there is much truth in this statement made from experience. Whether you change it or not, the ideas that strike you in the middle of the night, the ones that wake you from a dead sleep, those are meant to be paid attention to. Whether their purpose is to motivate you into a fury of productivity because of their inspirational content or send you into a panic as the wake of worry the words bring begin to pound, they must be paid attention to.

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